Houston Family of Four

A photo says, You are so important to me that I want to catch every step of your journey.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

So far summer

I am going to do a quick post. Catch up on the past few weeks. With interviews, graduation, end of the school year, the camper dilema...I am a bit behind. So here are a few pics.
First, is our evening in South Haven. It was the last day of school for Tyler and instead of both of us crying all evening we packed up and headed to the beach. It was a great night of playing in the sand, walking the pier and going for ice cream. Tyler even ran into a school friend.

We have been out on the boat. Sam still isn't too sure about the whole idea but Tyler loves it. He loves his fire truck, hitting waves and going fast. Sam didn't get off mine or Grandmas lap.

Then there was preparing for Warrior Dash! We tye-dyed shirts one evening. The kids were going to do it....but it was much easier for Courtney and I and the kids weren't so interested. They played, the guys watched and we made a mess.

Don't forget....Tony's bonfire. The cynderblock race, chickens, tire roll....and the great adventure in the woods with the snake! It was a greeat way to end the school year. We all went out to the woods and had a great time....lots of laughs. Friday morning was a bit rough heading into work!
Pictures to come.....


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