Houston Family of Four

A photo says, You are so important to me that I want to catch every step of your journey.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Grand Haven Christmas

Another fantastic Grand Haven Christmas. We arrived Friday night around 10:00 after the daycare party. Kids fell asleep in the car and were transported to the "blow-up bed" without even knowing we arrived. Santa came that night...amazing how he knows! Grandma and Grandpa Carlson arrived at 7:00 am, Uncle Shaun and Darcy came at 8:00...then we opened, opened, opened! It seemed like it was never ending. The kids are so lucky, so blessed, so loved. We ate all day...and enjoyed the JOllay Orchards blueberry pie in the end, mmmmmm. Grandma and Grandpa followed us home Sunday afternoon with the truck of presents. No way could we fit them all in the truck.


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