Houston Family of Four

A photo says, You are so important to me that I want to catch every step of your journey.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Christmas in Grand Haven

Santa came to Grand Haven early AGAIN!  What a great morning.  Shaun, Mikiala and Taden came around 8:30 (0nly b/c their alarm didn't go off).  We opened presents and then had breakfast.  The kids has a blast....and it didn't take long for them to want to play.  Tyler couldn't have been more excited to see that Grandma and Grandpa got him his 3DS that he had been wanting and telling muddles all season.  Sam got arts and crafts stuff to last a year and we can't forget the music player (MP3 or "zune" as Sam calls it).  We are so lucky!  Unfortunately Mikiala had to work and only stayed an hour and Shaun and Taden had plans.  But we stayed and played.  We love being in GH!


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