Houston Family of Four

A photo says, You are so important to me that I want to catch every step of your journey.

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Morning

Santa came just like predicted and boy was he good to the kids! Tyler got EVERYTHING...just like he asked! Samantha's babies have everything they could possibly need to be comfy cozy in her bedroom. It was a great morning watching Tyler get so excited with every new present and Samantha rip them open piece by piece.
The best was when Tyler saw a bag of balls with a note attached from Muddles our elf. Muddles wrote a note to the kids that said to take the balls downstairs and that he will see them next year. When Tyler went downstairs he was amazed to see that muddles gave him the greatest gift ever...a jumper! Dan an I are even enjoying muddles christmas gift...how will he ever top it next year? Muddles set the bar a bit to high.


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