Houston Family of Four

A photo says, You are so important to me that I want to catch every step of your journey.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas at the Farm

We headed out to the farm Chistmas day. Tyler and Sam look forward to playing with there cousins and opening up gifts. We always have such a great time out there. Tyler had been waiting to see if he actually was going to get his helicopter...and yup he did! He was a happy happy boy. Sam of course got make-up and more princess stuff...nothing makes her more happy. We are so blessed. I always leave the farm very emotional. A fantastic end to the choatic holiday. It was even worse than usual because we had to say good-bye to Uncle Jim.


Blogger Courtney Brown said...

Everyone looks extremely happy!

December 28, 2010 at 10:13 AM  

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