Houston Family of Four

A photo says, You are so important to me that I want to catch every step of your journey.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Ready for Florida-Thanks Grandma Dingy

Growing up we always had new summer clothes to bring to florida. I remember tearing off tags every evening after playing at the beach and in the pool all day. I loved new clothes! I guess grandma dingy thinks Tyler and Sam need the same treatment. How lucky are we! Sam got 4 pairs of shoes, dresses, skirts and bunches of t-shirts. Tyler got shorts, t-shirts, socks and we can't forget PJ's for all! ALL ready for Florida...only 41 more days!


Blogger Courtney Brown said...

Grandma Dingy, can we go on vacation with you?

February 23, 2011 at 11:20 AM  

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