Michigans Adventure
We made the decision to take the week Dan had off between jobs and spend it at the camper. Play on the boat and get a few things marked off the never ending to do list. However, we had to go play away from home one day. Off to Michigans Adventure we went. Tyler went on everything except one rollercoaster and only because he was an inch to short. He was loving them all. The corkscrew even got two rides. Sam stayed on the tride and true kids rides. She did like the log water ride but only because we could ALL ride together. She went on Zach's Zoomer for her first roller coaster...the first try she changed her mind, the second she cried when she got OFF, the third she decided it was her favorite.
Unfortunately, not much time was spent at the water park due to rain. Tyler got a few minutes in the wave pool and a couple times down the huge slides. The rain didn't get us down....we had a great day!
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