Houston Family of Four

A photo says, You are so important to me that I want to catch every step of your journey.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Christmas Morning!

Tyler came into our bedroom excited to tell us that not only had Santa been to our house....but he brought stuff that isn't even wrapped! Our mornings are quite organized...Dan makes coffee (in his new coffee pot from mom and dad) as the kids go through their stockings. Then one by one they open gifts. Sam kept saying "Thank you, I don't know what it is yet, but Thank you". It was so cute. Tylers Christmas consisted of robots, catapults, science projects and games. Sams was crafts, crafts, and more crafts I recieved an amazing pink ring from Samantha and a Paw Paw bracelet from Tyler Dan got a MSU penant from Tyler and a deer whistle from Sam. The kids were so pumped about giving us ours that they couldn't wait. They had to be the first presents opened! It was a great morning!!!!! tonda came over after the house was picked up and Sam made us all donuts with her new donut maker.


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