Houston Family of Four

A photo says, You are so important to me that I want to catch every step of your journey.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Allergy Testing

After a trip to an ENT they recommended us to an allergist. Sams constant snotty nose is killing us all. Although, I love her voice and it makes me smile, the amount of kleenex we are using is crazy. Poor Shanny! Grandma Tonda took tyler for the day and Samantha and I had a girls day. First stop the doctor....
She is not allergic to anything. So now what? Adnoids? Lots of kleenex, zyrtec, and nasal rinses til she is 6 and they can give her some medication.

Then a make over at Ultra and lunch at Noodle Co. I have so much fun when its the two of us. Lots of purple glitter and she was a happy girl.

Then a few cute pictures!

Tyler and Grandma went to Cars 2, Sonic for lunch (ice cream sundaes)and to a bog to walk through. Tyler was happy as could be! Grandma Tonda's the best!


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