Houston Family of Four

A photo says, You are so important to me that I want to catch every step of your journey.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Grand Haven Christmas

We left after dan got home. We didn't arrive in Grand Haven until 1 am but that didn't stop the excitement early in the morning when the kids realized Santa came! Uncle Shaun, Mikiala and Taden arrived at 8 am along with Grandma and Grandpa Carlson. The morning goes by so fast. Opening presents, laughing, coffee....and then breakfast. The quote of the morning was when Sam opened her easy bake oven cupcakes without opening the oven first. Her respons was "Oh my gosh, just what I wanted....sort of". It was so cute.
After presents and breakfast everyone just hangs out. Unfortunaltely, Taden had to go to Dads and Mikiala had to work. Uncle Shaun hung around for awhile though. It was a lazy afternoon. Grandma and Grandpa Nuismer showed up around 4 for dinner.

After everyone went home...it hit! Sam got sick...all over! and by morning I had it too. Made a rough end to a great weekend.


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