Houston Family of Four

A photo says, You are so important to me that I want to catch every step of your journey.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Silver Lake DAY 1

Where to begin this story? Bronson Methodist Hospital? Flu, UTI, Low blood pressure, fever, dehydration, ambulance ride....After the all star game on Wednesday I went home and got worse. By morning Dan was taking me to Urgent Care where they took me to the hospital by amubulance. I then spent 2 nights being monitored because of my blood pressure, my tingling hands and UTI. I had a cat scan, AKG, and poked and poked and poked. The entire time being stressed about our vacation that starts Saturday. I was released at 12:30 on Saturday and we pulled out of the driveway at 3:00! CHAOS We hit Grand Haven, dropped off Charlie at doggie detail and kennels, then ran to meijer for groceries. We got to Jellystone around 8:00 and still had time to run the dunes for a bit.
We even had time to hit Craigs Cruiser....Tyler was pumped he was big enough to do a go cart ALONE!


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