Houston Family of Four

A photo says, You are so important to me that I want to catch every step of your journey.

Friday, July 15, 2011


Its the third year that we have went with Ms. P blueberry picking. This year we even had an extra kid. Will go to come along and "pick" or should I say "eat" with us. I picked them up at 9 which was perfect because by the time we were leaving it was starting to get really HOT! We picked for an hour and got 3 full buckets. 2 for Joy and 1 for us. Next year I need to remember I need 2 buckets for sure.

When we got home the kids helped make a pie and then we borrowed Ms. P's juicer and we canned blueberry syrup. It was fun!

Using the juicer....it was fun but WOW a pain to clean!


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