Houston Family of Four

A photo says, You are so important to me that I want to catch every step of your journey.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Softball and Friends

Sam and I went to Dan's softball game Thursday night. We ussually stay home and let the boys go. Games are after Sam's bedtime and it is nice for me to have a quiet house. We had planned on going just to watch but before we left Kristi called and asked if I could play. Thank goodness I have been going to the gym and feeling better and more fit than I ever have. Of course, I didn't do anything but bat and make it to first base...but I was ready if needed (hahaha)! The kids had a blast...especially since it always seems like a daycare reunion for all the teachers kids. Tyler misses his girls so much!

NO, she did not drink the beer...besides it wasn't Miller Lite!

Oh, and when the game was all over and all the kids were racing around the bases..Dan asked me why Tyler's pants were down..and you betcha' he was peeing right there! All the guys were so proud of him, everyone was laughing. Of course, I was thinking now how am I suppose to teach this kid it is wrong when I can't even hide my laughter? Boys will be boys!


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