Houston Family of Four

A photo says, You are so important to me that I want to catch every step of your journey.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Coast Guard Weekend

The kids and I went to Grand Haven Thursday night to have dinner at the house with Uncle Shaun, Mikiala and Taden. The kids played in the pool and we ended the night with ice cream at Skoops.

Friday we took our time getting around. After lunch we headed to the boat. Dan came into town around 6:30 and then we took the bikes down to the carnival. The kids had a blast. Tyler had a friend Brandon from the boat to ride the rides with. Sam enjoyed being big enough and brave enough to ride the bigger rides. We got back to the boat around 10:30. The kids stayed with G-ma and G-pa while Dan and I headed back to the house to sleep.

We woke to rain Saturday morning. So, Dan and I went to breakfast and met the kids back at the house. No parade for us. It cleared up after lunch and we actually got a boat ride in. After dinner we did one last bike ride for ice cream and then we headed out to the fireworks on the dingy. It was a great evening.

Sunday MY BIRTHDAY...we hit the river and went kayaking.


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