Houston Family of Four

A photo says, You are so important to me that I want to catch every step of your journey.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Thank you grandma and grandpa dingy for the table. Tyler sat in his room today for an hour. I walk in and he had been playing with his sticker book. Not only was he doing the stickers but he wrote his name and mine all by himself. He constantly amazes me.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tyler is 4!

He is four! We had been counting down until his birthday by reminding him that when you turn four you don't drink out of sippy's anymore. And...he hasn't. What a big boy. But that was the good news for us...the good news for Tyler is that he has the greatest daddy in the whole world. Dan and I bought Tyler his first dirt bike for his birthday. It is a Yamaha PW 50 and its awsome! Tyler loved it.
The day of his birthday Tyler, Sam and I got up and went to church. Daddy stayed home relaxed and cleaned up the yard a bit. When we got home the grandparents started arriving. We lucked out because it was a beautiful March day in which tyler could play outside with his new toy. He also recieved a ton of toys, coloring table for his room, books, a wheel barrow and more leap frog stuff. I can't forget the electric guitar for his rock star band!
I was so proud of him for all his please and thank you's. He shared his new toys and gave big hugs good-bye. I love him so much....and he has so many people in his life that adore him. We are blessed

Another reason Tyler is so lucky is he has a ton of grandparents and great grandparents.
This is Tylers Great Grandma and Grandpa Nuismer (my dads parents)

This is Tylers Great Grandma and Grandpa Carlson (my moms parents)

This is Great Grandpa Houston (Dan's dad's dad)

Thank you everyone for coming and sharing in tylers special day. We love you all!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Grandma Tonda took us all to the circus Friday night. It was all of our first times. It was exactly what I expected. Elephants, clowns, cotton candy and lighted toys. Tyler and I got our faces painted, tyler rode an elephant and got a light sabre (that he slept with). Sam wasn't sure about the animals in the petting zoo or the clowns but she loved her ice cream!
Thank you grandma tonda for a great night at the circus.