Houston Family of Four

A photo says, You are so important to me that I want to catch every step of your journey.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Science Fair Project begins.....

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Fall Fest

Girl Scout Fall Fest at Pretty Lake Campground in Mattawan.  Sam was in heaven...songs, crafts, games and a bonfire with hot cocoa.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Carving pumpkins

Our Deer are making friends

We have a momma deer and two twin yearlings that have been coming to the pond since we moved in.  It has been fun watching the little boys grow and lose their spots and now you can see their buttons trying to pop thru.  Last night while eating dinner we noticed that 2 more joined the fun.  Another mom with a little one.  We had 5 deer drinking out of the pond and playing at one time.  They don't even seem to care that I open the door and snap a few pictures.  It is awesome to watch!  Not going to be awesome to eat this year :(  Oh well!

Our girls

Crazy to think we have had these girls for over a month.  We love them so much.  Kate is getting so big so fast!  The lean to is finally finished and storing hay and grain.  Safi still has to get locked up when she eats because she is such a piggy. She wants to fight Kitty for the food.  Kitty is still letting Kate nurse but not very often.  Kate is still trying to learn how to bray.  Safi however, likes to talk to us when its time to eat!  Tyler gets out of the car after school and she starts yelling at him to hurry up!  Like I said...MS. PIGGY!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Went out to dinner and bowling with friends.  It was a great sweetest day.  We went to dinner with a big group and then bowling.  Sam had fun....of course it was a "fun" game and Tyler can't quite handle the competition so he cried b/c he wasn't winning, b/c someone accidently bowled in his place, b/c he wasn't doing well.  Such a joy to play a game with him!!!!  Sam of course didn't care....she got 5 gutter balls in a row and was still smiling!

Paw Paw Football

My cheerleader and water boy!  It was almost as if dan and I were on a date.  Kids are getting so big!!!

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Ready for a night out

Oh boy!!!!

School pictures

Sams first Cheer Clinic

We are so lucky to have Sam surrounded by such amaing young ladies.  We love these two girls!  Look at what Ali has Sam doing...This was a fun 2 nights for Sam.  Then Friday she gets to cheer at the Varsity football game!