Houston Family of Four

A photo says, You are so important to me that I want to catch every step of your journey.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Goodbye HLC

We emptied the campsite out. Dan took the deck apart and we piled all the toys on the trailer. It was rough to pull out of there. The first time we camped at HLC I was pregnant for Sam. A few weeks later we decided to grab a seasonal site. 4 years later we leave. Lots of fun memories and lots of days at the beach. I used to tell everyone that it was my happy place.
Unfortunately, things have to change. If we are to spend more time out at the property trying to prepare for a new home...something had to give. Tyler and Sam both in baseball starting this year too. We wouldn't be out there as much.
WE will visit often I am sure.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The Chaos Begins

School, baseball, dance and karate. There is only a few weeks that everything overlaps. However, with Dan still being on second it seems the chaos and running around is multiplied for me. Somehow it all works and the kids are happy. Laundry piles up, and the bedrooms may be a mess....but we are making it. Somedays it may not feel like it....

Tyler had another conference and Mrs. Seelye complimented my sweet little boy. She is starting to supplement his math because he is doing so well. He is proud to wear his 15 point AR pin and has started reading chapter books. I am a very proud MOM!

Sam is growing up so fast. Training wheels off the bike, working hard during "circle time" and is Shannons little helper. She wants to dress herself and do her own hair. She is a spit fire for sure!

Spring Break is around the corner. Although we are not going to Florida and the kids are sad, I am trying to plan something....we will see. If the weather stays nice we may just end up camping.

Our kitchen is almost complete. Only thing left are the cabinets. Dan has been working all the time...it seems to never end for him.

Sunday, March 18, 2012


Tylers Birthday Party


Seems like all we have been doing is working on the kitchen or running around. Tylers birthday fell on the perfect weekend and at the perfect time. The weather was in the 80's, the kitchen is all most complete and we had almost everyone here!
Tyler loves having his cousins around and was happy the Taden got to meet Derrik and Lucas.
Mom and Dad came early so I could run up a few errands. Dan has to work the morning. Taden and Uncle Shaun arrived early to play before it all began. It was so nice the hose came out, bikes, and scooters. It was awesome!

Everyone left around 6:00 and the weather was still beautiful so we went out to the property played on the three wheeler and had a bonfire.

We can't forget Charlie....what a good girl...even if she runs!!!!