Houston Family of Four

A photo says, You are so important to me that I want to catch every step of your journey.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

First visit to the dentist

Tyler had his first Dentist appointment today. Of course, the kid did wonderful. While he was sitting in the chair listening to the dentist I realized he is not my baby boy anymore. He has great teeth with a bit of a cross bite but nothing to worry about now. The dentist gave him and Sam toothbrushes that they both carried around all evening. Tyler wanted to brush his teeth a hundred times tonight (never has that happened)!
Not along post...but had to document the visit!

Friday, July 25, 2008

The "what if" Game!

Tyler is going through the "why" stage. The thing is, its not just why that drives us bonkers it the "what if". Tyler loves the "what if game" as we call it. For instance the other day in the car we played the what if game for 15 minutes. Here is how the game is played:

Tyler: What if we didn't have grass?
Mom: Daddy wouldn't have to mow
Tyler: What if Daddy didn't have to mow
Mom: Then we wouldn't need the lawn tractor
Tyler: What if there wasn't tractors
Mom: They grandpa couldn't feed the cows
Tyler: What if there wasn't cows?
Mom: Then we wouldn't have milk
Tyler: What if we didn't have milk?

You get the idea. This goes on FOREVER! Sometimes this game can get very tricky and I stumble around for answers. It is so darn cute when it begins and to see where Tyler can take it. After 15 minute of this game and trying to keep in mind that it is his way of learning about the world, I break. I don't care about teaching I just want it to stop! Part of me wants to laugh, part of me wants to scream and part of me just wants to hug and kiss him. His brain is constantly going. He is my little sponge, he is curious and wants to learn everything about everything. Questions never stop!

I just never want to forget the "what if" game! But I am ready for it to end :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

Christian the Lion

I know kind of weird that I am posting this, but I couldn't help falling in love with this story. I don't get to watch much "me" TV but today I caught a bit of The View and this is what I saw! Almost made me cry...

Friday, July 18, 2008

Leducs U-Pick Blueberries

When I sit and think about how lucky we are to be living in such a great community it makes me realize why I call this my home. Besides my wonderful friends there is so much to do with the kids if I would just take advantage of it. Today I did just that!

Joy (a friend from school) invited Tyler, Sam and I to pick blueberries out at Leduc's in Paw Paw. I am so glad we went. I always see the U-pick signs but never think about taking a morning and going. I have never picked blueberries and neither have the kids. Tyler always has enjoyed apples in the fall...but this is much better. The bushes are his size, he can eat as he tries to fill up a bucket. He did a great job helping both Mrs. Porter and I fill up our pails.
Sam did great sitting in the stroller and eating blueberries. When she finally got out to run she did and even better job eating dirt, leaves and whatever else she could get.

When we got home Samantha went straight to bed. She was exhausted! Tyler and I made blueberry coffee cake for the weekend at the Lake. Of course, I had to call Ms. Jill our neighbor for an egg and some sugar!


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Van Buren Youth Fair

It was a hot afternoon but we still enjoyed our evening at the fair. The fair is always an experience for me. With all the animals, rides, tractors, greasy food and don't forget some of the most interesting people.
We went through all the animal exhibits, even I went through the chickens! We hit the rides which Tyler just loved and Sam didn't mind just watching.
The best came when Daddy and Tyler saw that the tractor pull had started. We all went in, sat on the hill and were entertained by the biggest, loudest tractors ever.
Sam and I left due to the volume but Daddy and Tyler stuck around longer. The only thing that would have made the night better for Tyler is if a few Monster Trucks were thrown into the mix.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Brotherly love

We ran through the sprinkler for hours today...got a couple cute pics that I have to post! They are just so damn adorable when they love all on eachother!

Softball and Friends

Sam and I went to Dan's softball game Thursday night. We ussually stay home and let the boys go. Games are after Sam's bedtime and it is nice for me to have a quiet house. We had planned on going just to watch but before we left Kristi called and asked if I could play. Thank goodness I have been going to the gym and feeling better and more fit than I ever have. Of course, I didn't do anything but bat and make it to first base...but I was ready if needed (hahaha)! The kids had a blast...especially since it always seems like a daycare reunion for all the teachers kids. Tyler misses his girls so much!

NO, she did not drink the beer...besides it wasn't Miller Lite!

Oh, and when the game was all over and all the kids were racing around the bases..Dan asked me why Tyler's pants were down..and you betcha' he was peeing right there! All the guys were so proud of him, everyone was laughing. Of course, I was thinking now how am I suppose to teach this kid it is wrong when I can't even hide my laughter? Boys will be boys!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Tests are in!

So far it looks like sensitive skin. All allergy tests came back negative. We are keeping the dermatologist appointment in September. I can't sit back and do nothing, I feel so bad for her. Especially, when she wakes up all scratched from itching all night.
We shall see....

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

1 year Well Child Visit

I brought Sam to her 1 year well child visit yesterday. She weighs 22 lbs and is 32 inches long. No surprise that she is off the charts for her height. We have also started allergy tests for her eczema. It goes from bad to worse with no rhyme or reason. I feel horrible for her..people keep giving us ideas and nothing seems to make it better. It is time to look more into it. I felt bad when they drew blood yesterday. Oh, did she scream. I am hoping they find what is causing this, but if not we have an appointment with a dermatologist in September and will follow that path if needed. Wish us luck!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Vacation Over!

We are home, safe and sound. We had a great time in both Pentwater (Hill and Hollow campground site #183) and Silver Lake (Jellystone Campground site #8. When we drove through Pentwater more memories came flooding back. I feel so blessed to have a lifetime of memories camping as a kid to now be making new memories with Dan, Tyler and Samantha. I can't even begin to think about all the fun we are going to have in the years to come. Tyler was so excited to be on vacation and he didn't understand why it had to end. It was so nice to spend 9 days together as a family. I am worried how Tyler is going to react when Dan has to go back to work Tuesday night. Here are a few pictures and a video of our great adventures!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Storm day!

Yes...we made it through the storm today! It came at the perfect time...Nap time! The kids and I slept through the worst of it. Just glad we were going to be lazy today and hang out here anyway.
We head to Pentwater tomorrow for a few days. No internet for a few days...talk to you all Sunday night.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Silver Lake!

We are having a blast. We have done everything possible around here. Rented a jeep, did the go carts and bumper cars, played in the pool, went to the beach and of course we have had enough ice cream to last forever. Tyler and Sam have both been absolutely wonderful and exhausted by night time...tomorrow night is fire works on the dunes in Silver Lake then we are headed to Pentwater. Hope things are well back home!
Tyler and Sam both loved the Jeep. They were screaming and talking all the way up the dune. Sam eventually fell asleep but Tyler was a hoot! "Faster Daddy!" "Don't get stuck!" "You can do it"...he just talked and talked!
Here are some random pictures!