Houston Family of Four

A photo says, You are so important to me that I want to catch every step of your journey.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Pigeon River State Forest

Memorial Day Weekend.

What a great time. We had beautiful weather to swim and play. The nights weren't cold and the kids slept all night. We woke up made breakfast on the fire (potato's, eggs, sausage, pancakes, bacon) then hit the beach. We walked to pickeral lake and sat down there most of the afternoon. We played with the kayak, swam accross the lake with the rafts, and Dan found us turtles. We had a picnic for lunch and Sunday we even fit in a nap in the tent. The evenings we went to town for a cup of coffee and then went looking for Elk. Amazing enough, we saw 15! Saturday night one down a dirt road (that Tyler picked), one in the viewing area...then Sunday, we saw three at the "other" elk viewing then driving back to camp there were 5 right in the road! It was crazy! Then a few on the side of the road.
I think the ENTIRE time we were driving around in the woods, Tyler NEVER stopped talking! From the moment we started...we had to tell him to stop talking when we were by the elk, and he just couldn't. It was so funny...Tyler's famous for his "you know..." stories. Sam would have been happy staying back at the tent. She didn't like the two tracks, bumps, or elk.
Before we left we saw a bald eagle fly around the lake! Perfect way to end our vacation.
Home Sweet Home-


Beach time-

Looking for Elk

Sunday night it of course did rain...we were lucky to pack up during the break but it poured on the way home.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Summer is here!

It was 90 degree's and time to play with the garden hose and in the lake. What a great weekend at the camper. Though tyler went in the lake on Saturday when it was cold...our official playtime was on Sunday after church. The kids had so much fun playing in the water. Its going to be a great summer.

Blessing of the Bikes

Freshwater had a great service on Sunday! More than 200 freedom riders, service outside, great weather and fantastic music. It was HOT, but Tyler didn't want to leave until he could hear the bikes revvvv there engines and wave them off. It was so much fun.

T-ball game

Grandma and Grandpa came down to watch Tylers play t-ball and see Samantha. It was a 7:10 game so they left after work and arrived just in time. It had been along time since they had seen the kids...they never go more than a couple weeks. It was a great night....Sugar Bear.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Warriordash training....

Seriously...I am going to be sore tomorrow. I don't know if it will be from splitting the wood or from when I missed and fell to the ground. Dan and Tylers faces were priceless! I chopped and Tyler stacked, he loved it. Dan and Tyler both watched...I must have been very entertaining.

Derrick's 4th Birthday

We had a packed full day. Started by going to church, went to Saunder's for flowers, headed to Walmart for gift and ended at Aunt Ambers for the Birthday party. The kids had a blast with Derrick and Lucas and the other kids. It was perfect weather and the trampoline seemed to keep the kids all happy. It was a great day!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

My 2nd Riverbank Run

This year I wasn't prepared. After hurting my knee three months ago and not exercising for weeks I was just hoping to finish. Therefore my 38 minutes is just fine with me.
This was Grandma's first race. Unfortunately, it was 38 degrees, windy, and rainy. We wore shirts, two coats and I even put on my underarmour long underwear and wore gloves. Regardless of weather mom kicked butt. It was nice accomplishing something together. I am so proud of you mom, you are amazing...I love you!
Courtney, Amanda, Mom and I all shared a room downtown GR...we went to dinner the night before. Woke up at 6:15 and headed to the race. After Courtney got done with the 25K we did lunch. It was a great way to spend mothers day weekend.
I now have two pins and two t-shirts.
Spartan Stadium is next!!!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Really bad night!

It was a bad, bad day. Dan was going to take the camper to Plainwell to get our estimate due to the hail damage. Twenty minutes into the drive the truck engine blew. Dan and the camper where on the side of the highway now waiting for a wrecker to come. They put Dan's truck on a flat bed and called another truck for the trailer. It only gets better from here. The tow truck went under a low bridge and crunched the air conditioner while tearing up the roof. Thus when the day was said and done we still had the dents in the siding and wholes in the awning from the hail, along with a broken water heater, and now no airconditioner and a big whole in the roof. We can't forget NO truck!

Yes, it gets better. Friday Dan calls McDonalds towing and they inform him that they are not going to cover the damage since, Dan told him to go the back way. To make that story short....they will be paying sooner or later! Promise!