Houston Family of Four

A photo says, You are so important to me that I want to catch every step of your journey.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

He's going to be 10

If I had a magic wand or a genie in a bottle, I would want to make time slow down!  This crazy thing is happening in our family....you are getting older...FAST!  I still remember sleeping in your room just to hear you breathe, I remember cuddling on the couch after you just took a bath (smelling so yummy).  I remember waking up back to back in the bed because you would sneak in with me.  Now I don't read bedtime stories to you, you are into your big books, I drop you off at practices to only pick you up when its over, I don't help you in the tub because you take showers and I don't go back with you at the dentist.   This is getting to be to much and it needs to stop.

I so bad want to be your biggest cheerleader, the one who is always on your side, the kind of parent that knows the right things to say and the right ways to comfort, when to hold your hand, when to lead and when to walk behind. One of the hardest parts of being a parent is knowing I can't and I won't always be right or do the right thing. The sad part for me, is you are growing older and wanting me to cheer quieter, and hold your hand less. I walk behind more than I walk in front these days.   You are pushing for independence while I still want to hold you tight and keep you small. 

I am so proud of you Tyler Bret! 
You are going to be 10 years old.  DOUBLE DIGITS!

The last year has been so fun.  You are becoming a young man.  You want so bad to have more responsibilities, chores, and left alone (which is slowly happening).  You want to build, create and explore.  You still love your sports and your kindle....but you want to be outside and be included in projects too.   I can't wait to start the garden with you this year.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Bird Food

Bob gave us some sunflowers from his garden this past summer.  I hung them up....word travels fast in the bird community because there were birds EVERYWHERE today.  I snapped a few pictures out Sams window.  They were driving the cat and dog nuts all day.  When I finally let Charlie outside I hope they move fast!

This poor female cardinal was the only one with the 10 males flying around.  Kind of strange!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Another 2 Wins

They won another two games.  My scrappy little ball player.

Two more wins

Sam reading

This girl would read to me all the time.  She LOVES to read.  I snuck a fast video.

Snowy Girls

Another snow day!
Tyler and headed outside to play with the girls and feed them.  Tyler messed with the ice buckets and then filled them with fresh water.  Its so cold but so pretty out.  Dan has plowed a path to the pasture for us which makes the trek out there easier.  I also hung grandpa cows sunflowers in the tree for the birds.  

 Another snow day


What great memories!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

A little side note....

Time to catch up a little.  Basketball season is more than half done for Tyler and he is working so hard.  He puts 100% into every game and every practice.  Dan has been helping coach at practice but unfortunately he is working on Saturdays and has to miss the games.  I know this is hard for both my boys.  Bob has came to most of the games which helps and Grandma and Grandpa Cow came to a Saturday game also.  The boys are 5 and 1 which is quite amazing.
Sam is still loving girl scouts.  They went to Lansing to earn the dancers badge a couple weekends ago. Sam has worked so hard on her home made valentines that she even brought them to school early because she couldn't stand it. She is the helper in her classroom and on the bus.  I don't know what we are going to do when we don't have Ms. Thorpe as a teacher anymore.  My kids have loved her to pieces!
We have used up all our snow days for both Paw Paw and Coloma.  Now we start making up days at the end which NO one wants to do.  So we are all crossing our fingers the weather cooperates.
One month and Tyler will be 10.  How and when did this happen?
A little over a month and we head to Florida!  Its time for sunshine!

Saturday, February 7, 2015


Finished product

Ready for valentines day.  Some kids bring in a shoe box....NOT TYLER

Pooped out

Sam and Lizzy all snuggled up after the dance.  Both fell asleep on my lap.  See Mom...we do have a cat.

Father daughter dance

Dancing and dinner.  Dan even bought her a balloon and flowers.  She was so excited.  How can she be so big?  She looked absolutely BEAUTIFUL