Houston Family of Four

A photo says, You are so important to me that I want to catch every step of your journey.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Princess

The boys took off to Kalamazoo Speedway and the two of us headed to Sugar and Spice. Talk about a great evening just us girls. Sam loved getting her hair and nails done, the purple tiara, and the purple tutu.
Sam, you are my PRINCESS and I love you to pieces!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Still miss my Massey!

Over 2 years ago we found a home for Massey. We gave her to a couple whose world revolves around their dogs. They already has one Great Dane, Fritz who was huge. They are an older couple and I couldn't be happier that Massey is with them. Of course, I still miss her so much. Especially now that we have a puppy...that is difficult. Doris always sends us a christmas card with the two dogs but recently we got this one in the mail. Massey is now over 6 years old and still doing well. She is over 200 lbs and huge! Still a beautiful great dane.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Brotherly love?

Are you kidding me. After a night of school I come home to this on the counter. Seriously, this isn't even all of it. I don't know whether to cry or laugh. My daughters beautiful blonde hair...she looks crazy. If she wasn't asleep I would take her picture. But so you know..this isn't all from the same spot....the top, side, underneath, and front. What do I do?
Tyler is so proud of his new scissors that I bought him. They have been doing zig zags at school. What was he thinking?
Happy Birthday Dan!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

few words

Tyler is just like his dad in so many ways. A man of few words! Tyler didn't say to much about school. I know that they had there names in a circle and they had to find them and sit behind them. I know they went to the gym and rode the tricycles, and that they went to the playground. He played with scissors and had to do a zig zag (which we have been practicing at home) and they had scooby snacks. Other than that...who knows.
Sam was upset leaving Tyler. She kept saying "I want to go to school with Tyler". When we went to leave Tyler her lip started quivering and she wanted to cry. Luckily she is easily distracted.
He is still excited after a week...so far so good.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back to School

This is always an emotional time of year. Saying goodbye to summer, dropping the kids off at daycare and starting the weekly routine all over. This is year is even harder, I'm not only starting a new night class this week to add to the mix but Tyler is starting pre-school. Tyler has his backpack packed, clothes set on the table and new "go fast" shoes ready. This is such a big deal not only in his life but ours too. I look at him and see a boy, a person with his own way of thinking, his own opinions, and his own personality. I look in his eyes and see joy and pure love. I am looking forward to watching his imagination expand. I enjoy watching him learn and grow but am sad to see that little boy of mine leave. He is my inpiration to be a better person and mother. He is my world and though his is so small he makes mine so big.
I have always laughed when those parents cry kissing there kids goodbye...now I understand. How bitter sweet this is. I sit here worried...will he know he can go potty? Will he ask? Will he be scared to talk or ask for something if needed? Wonder if someone makes fun of his eartag? Wonder if he cries and doesn't want to go back? I don't want him to be scared when he is so excited tonight.

Tyler can't wait to sit next to Caysee and to also make a new friend. He tells us that he will learn more than the teacher because he has a "new" brain. He is eager to play on the playground, go on field trips and go on a school bus. We have practiced spelling his name, mom and dad, writing his ABC's, counting, shapes and colors. He knows how to draw himself along with Mommy, Daddy, and Sam. He knows where we live and our full names. I have him prepared...come on teacher bring on the big stuff!

As another chapter closes another opens. Good luck, Tyler we love you.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Lost Generation

Today we had our PPPS breakfast and some presentations. One of them had this video in it and I loved it and thought it needed to be shared.